Pricing Policy for Tiling Equipment Store and E-commerce Store

At Mortar Mart, we are committed to providing our customers with high-quality tiling equipment and a seamless shopping experience. Our pricing policy is designed to ensure fairness, transparency, and value for our customers.

Please review the following pricing guidelines:

Competitive Pricing:

We strive to offer competitive prices on all our products, both in-store and online. Our pricing strategy involves careful market analysis to provide you with the best value for your money.

Transparent Pricing:

We believe in transparency, and our prices are clearly displayed for each product. The listed price includes all applicable taxes and fees, ensuring no hidden charges during the checkout process.

Regular Price Reviews:

We regularly review and adjust our prices to reflect market conditions, changes in supply and demand, and other factors. These reviews help us maintain a fair pricing structure and ensure that our customers receive the best possible deals.

Promotions and Discounts:

We frequently offer promotions and discounts on selected items. These special offers are communicated through our website, social media channels, and email newsletters. Please note that promotional prices may have specific terms and conditions, such as limited-time availability or quantity restrictions. Please contact us if you require a quote for a specific project.

Bundle Deals and Packages:

To enhance your shopping experience, we may offer bundle deals or package options that include multiple products at discounted prices. These options are designed to provide convenience and value to our customers, particularly for those who need multiple items for tiling projects.

Shipping and Handling Charges:

For our e-commerce store, shipping and handling charges are applied separately and are calculated based on the weight, dimensions, and destination of the package. The exact shipping costs will be displayed during the checkout process, allowing you to make an informed decision. Please contact us if you require a quote for a specific project.

Price Matching:

We understand that you may find a lower price for the same product elsewhere. In such cases, please contact our customer support team with the relevant details. We will do our best to match or beat the competitor's price, provided it meets our criteria for price matching.

Currency and Exchange Rates:

Our pricing is displayed in the Australian Dollars. If you are ordering from another country, the final price may be subject to currency exchange rates. Please note that exchange rates may fluctuate and may impact the final amount paid.

Price Adjustments:

In the event of a price reduction or promotion shortly after your purchase, we regret that we are unable to offer retroactive price adjustments. Our prices are subject to change without prior notice, and all sales are final.


We hope that this pricing policy provides clarity regarding our approach to pricing. Should you have any further questions or require assistance, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team. Thank you for choosing Mortar Mart as your trusted source for tiling and construction equipment.